Monday, June 27


Voice over for the second movie

I wrote down and recorded the voice-over after Elin revised it. The fact that Elin changed a lit of bit the order of the movie and added some extra things forced me to start taking new screen captures again and importing them in iMovie. Although I had to change almost the entire order of the captures and to add new ones, the revised movie took me less time to complete.

However, I decided to change my way of working for the third time. The first time, I first created the movie and then recorded and added the voice-over. Adjusting the voice-over on the movie was too difficult and time consuming. Thus, the next time I decided to create a very draft movie with extended screenshots at the beginning and at the end, something that would allow me to add the voice-over more quickly and easily. However, once again I had to change some of the captures since Elin would change them slightly while narrating. Even a small change in the voice-over such as reordering some parts of the script would result in time-consuming modifications to the movie. Thus, in the third movie, I will first record the voice-over and then capture the screenshots and compose the movie.

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